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Flight Booking API Documentation


This API enables flight booking confirmation with full itinerary details, passenger information, and payment preparation. It returns PNR details, fare rules, and order status.

API Endpoint

  • URL:
  • Method: POST
  • Content-Type: application/json


Key Value Description
Authorization Bearer {token} JWT access token (Required)
Content-Type application/json Request/Response format

Request Body Parameters

Main Parameters

Field Type Required Description Example/Values
Provider String ✅ Yes Provider code for booking system "provider1"
Type String ✅ Yes Journey type ROUND_TRIP, ONE_WAY
Adults Integer ✅ Yes Number of adult passengers (1-9) 1
Children Integer ❌ No Number of child passengers (0-8) 1
Infants Integer ❌ No Number of infant passengers (0-8) 1

Solution Object

Field Type Required Description
solutionProvider String ✅ Yes Provider ID for the flight solution
solutionProviderId String ✅ Yes Unique solution identifier
flights Array ✅ Yes Array of flight objects (see below)

Flight Object

Field Type Required Description
sequence Number ✅ Yes Flight segment sequence
lastTicketTime String ✅ Yes Booking deadline (ISO 8601 format)
segments Array ✅ Yes Flight segments (see below)

Segment Object

Field Type Required Description
segmentId String ✅ Yes Unique segment identifier
bookingCode String ✅ Yes Fare class code
cabinClass String ✅ Yes Cabin class
departureCode String ✅ Yes IATA departure airport code
arrivalCode String ✅ Yes IATA arrival airport code
departureTime String ✅ Yes Local departure time (HH:mm)
arrivalTime String ✅ Yes Local arrival time (HH:mm)
airlines String ✅ Yes 2-letter airline code

Passenger Information

Field Type Required Description
FirstName String ✅ Yes Passenger given name
LastName String ✅ Yes Passenger family name
Type Number ✅ Yes Passenger type (1=Adult, 2=Child, 3=Infant)
DateOfBirth String ✅ Yes Birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD)
IdNumber String ✅ Yes Government-issued ID number

Sample Request

curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtp...' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "Provider": "provider1",
    "Type": "ROUND_TRIP",
    "Adults": 1,
    "Children": 1,
    "Infants": 1,
    "solution": {
        "solutionProvider": "provider1",
        "solutionProviderId": "mZ63GpgAOYemWEVJo5gj1...",
        "flights": [
                "sequence": 1,
                "lastTicketTime": "2025-03-21T20:59:00:0000",
                "segments": [
                        "segmentId": "eb2ab42945128bb298ced40142541b92",
                        "bookingCode": "H",
                        "cabinClass": "ECONOMY",
                        "departureCode": "HAN",
                        "arrivalCode": "SGN",
                        "departureTime": "14:55",
                        "arrivalTime": "17:00",
                        "airlines": "W2"
    "passengers": [
            "FirstName": "The Vo",
            "LastName": "Vo The DacBeo",
            "Type": 1,
            "DateOfBirth": "1995-03-27",
            "IdNumber": "014563322154"

Sample Response

  "orderBaseInfo": {
    "status": "TO_BE_PAID",
    "pnr": "WCDKAF",
    "totalAmountUSD": 949.06,
    "currency": "USD"
  "orderFlightInfo": {
    "flightSegments": [
        "departureCode": "HAN",
        "arrivalCode": "SGN",
        "departureTime": "2025-03-21T14:55:00",
        "airlines": "W2",
        "flightNumber": "4139"
  "passengers": [
      "firstName": "The Vo",
      "lastName": "Vo The DacBeo",
      "type": 1,
      "ticketStatus": "PENDING"
  "priceInfo": {
    "totalAmountVND": 24428804.4,
    "priceDetails": [
        "type": 1,
        "totalAmountUSD": 410.68

Response Field Description

Order Base Information

Field Type Description Possible Values
status String Current booking status TO_BE_PAID, CONFIRMED
pnr String 6-character booking reference WCDKAF
totalAmountUSD Number Total payment amount in USD 949.06
currency String Settlement currency USD, VND

Flight Information

Field Type Description
departureCode String IATA code of departure airport
arrivalCode String IATA code of arrival airport
departureTime String ISO 8601 departure timestamp
airlines String Operating airline code
flightNumber String Carrier flight number

Passenger Details

Field Type Description
firstName String Passenger's given name
lastName String Passenger's family name
type Number Passenger category (1=Adult, 2=Child, 3=Infant)
ticketStatus String Ticket issuance status

Price Breakdown

Field Type Description
totalAmountVND Number Total price in Vietnamese Dong
type Number Fare type (1=Adult, 2=Child, 3=Infant)
totalAmountUSD Number Total price per category in USD